Aug.2018 05
Views: 150

Contact Information.

Our failure to exercise any of our rights under this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver.
Severable Agreement.
If any term or provision of this Agreement should be held to be invalid, unenforceable, or illegal, such holding will not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision of this Agreement, and the remaining provisions will be unimpaired.

Choice of Law.
North Carolina law shall govern and guide the interpretation of this Agreement, without regard to the choice of law rules of any state, except that the Federal Arbitration Act governs the Arbitration Section. You agree that the exclusive jurisdiction (personal and, as allowed, subject matter) and venue for any action that is not subject to arbitration, if any, relating to this Agreement shall be a federal or state court in Statesville, North Carolina, and you consent to such jurisdiction and venue.

Complete Agreement.
The Agreement is the entire agreement between you and us concerning Iris.  The Agreement replaces and supersedes all earlier written agreements and all oral agreements, whether earlier or at the same time as this Agreement, concerning Iris.

The provisions in these Terms that, by their nature, do not terminate with the termination of these Terms will survive the termination of these Terms.

These Terms will remain in effect so long as you continue to access or use Iris, or until terminated in accordance with the provisions of these Terms. You agree we may, in our sole discretion, suspend or terminate your Iris Services or access to Iris at any time for any reason, including if we believe or suspect in good faith that you have violated, or are alleged by a third party to have violated, any part of this Agreement.